Total Goal

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tubb of Tuesday

Well that's another 4 whole pounds for me. I'm happy with that.

Timmies count 3

Well last night was eventful. We gave Evan his bath around 8 (a little late) Earl usually baths Evan in the tub with him and calls me when Evan is clean and has played for a while. So Earl called and I came and got baby boy. I dried him then put on his diaper and sleep wear. We then went down stairs for a bottle and a story. The nightly ritual was different after that. I usually bring Evan to Daddy for his kisses goodnight, well when I went to do so, Earl was hunched over on the bed with tears in his eyes. I knew his back had been bothering him lately so I figured it was that. He said we was drying off after getting out of the tub and he suddenly couldn't walk or move. I quickly gave Evan extra kisses and but him down for the night. I then called Earl's sis to come and take him into the emergency.

I helped Earl get dressed, helped him outside and waited for Ave with him, all the while checking and listening for baby. Thank goodness he went right to sleep with no fuss.

Ave came and she and Earl headed to the emergency. I told them to keep me posted. This was at about 9:00 pm. AT 12:30am Ave called and told me there is very little they can do. I still don't know what the problem really is but what I do know is it could either correct itself, or he will have to endure 6 months of straight pain even thow he's on meds, before they will do surgery. So needless to say he came home around 1am with a prescription for pain killers and T3s. He can't even pick up Roo! (for those of you who don't really know me Roo is Evan's nick name) 3 pounds max for 2 weeks is all he can lift. He has to go for nightly short walks to build up the muscles, and pretty much take it easy. He's off work for the next 2 days, so at least I got some company, even if he can't really do much.

After that whole fiasco, Roo decided to wake up 2 times during the night. At 3am and at 5am, then he has been up for the morning since 6. So needless to say it was another long night in the Potter house. I think Evan might be going through a growth spurt. His 12 M pants are looking a little shorter today. He's been eating like a horse too. This morning he had a whole slice of toast, a whole hard boiled egg and half a can of Mandarin orange pieces!!!!! and his usual 5 ounces of milk! Where does he put it all, that seems like a lot to me. But what do I know, he is my first kid after all. The rash on his face is now down to 8 pock marks so at least that doesn't seem to be getting any worse so that's good.

I didn't hear anything from Rona yet, hopefully today.

Well that's all for me today. Have a good one.

1 comment:

Annieann77 said...

WOW - what a exciting night! ;)

Sorry to hear Earl back is messed up, hope he's not down for the count too long!
