Total Goal

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My new computer case

So this is now what my computer case looks like. Pretty cool huh. My computer was getting slow so Earl gave me an upgrade! This meant I had to upgrade to a bigger case. Now it looks like I'm compensating for something, it's huge! It's almost as tall as my desk! the front panel with the purple circles also lights up blue! Earl also put a blue fan in the inside since it has a windowed panel on the side. It's super cool! I love it! I feel like such a gamer! To bad all I play is Pogo, lol, and sims once in a while.

I have a jam packed couple of weeks before I leave for Cal. Today at 3pm we are taking our dogs in to get their kennel cough shot. Tomorrow Steph is coming over for a visit. I still have to get my hair done, decorate the xmas tree which includes getting an extension cord. Clean the house so it's ready for Xmas when we get back, oh and all the packing and list making included in going for a trip. I've started making a list of things NOT to forget. Baby night light, baby lullaby thingy, gifts for sis and family from here. You know all the odd things. I'm soooo looking forward to getting away. The daily grind is really starting to get to me. Not to mention all the drama going on in Earl's family. I'm just getting soooo sick of it all! All the winny, bitching, bullshit! I'm so over it!

So anyone want to baby sit an Evan one evening this weekend? Ave is going to Vancouver. Don't ask I don't get it either. So much for buying that Victorian house and opening a tea house. Again don't ask, unless where in person. Explaining would be way to much typing. Earl and I are going to have to get some stuff done. Sat would be great since I work till 5:30 and Sun I work till 4:30, and things close yearly. We have to shop for car toys, get automatic fish feeders, etc. It's so hard to get running around done with him when we have to stop at mutable places for one or two items. Let me know if your interested? Please?

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